A wrong metaphor about software development

A very common metaphor used when we talk about software development is to compare it with home building.

Although there are some commonalities, software development differs from home building to the extend of considering the metaphor to be completely wrong!

Terms like scaffolding, foundation, architecture any many similar, have become essential part of the software developer’s jargon.
The roles of an architect, a civil engineer or a handyman are not so well defined and distinguished when we are talking about the construction of computerized platforms; indeed these different types of expertise have a lot of overlap and there are many cases where it is virtually impossible to clearly separate them.

A brick builder can never ask a question about why he has to build a specific wall, the kind of a question only refers to the architect  who will be responsible of the functionality of the building.  Also, the architect, does not need to know anything about the craft of brick building in the same way that the electrician does not need to know anything about the plumber’s work.

Developing software involves a lot of judgement calls, research and learning of new skills to the point of marginalizing the actual ‘building’ phase to just an implementation detail.

Its is not purely engineering

The most important part of any software project consists of all the judgement calls made by the developer during the various phases of the implementation.

Given the number of possible approaches that can be followed, the  available technologies and even the choice of programming language, it is impossible for any two developers to come up with the same solution even if they are working out of exactly the same requirements and have comparable expertise and knowledge.  In contrary, two civil engineers would end up with very close solutions of the structural dynamics for a specific building since their work is going to rely on specific mathematical calculations and well defined regulations and operations.

Although programmers like to refer to what they are doing as Software Engineering, the true is that although it involves aspects of it, software development remains a mixture of science, engineering and art.

Talent and experience are probably the most influential characteristics of an above the average developer and most likely this will not change any time soon.

Ability to learn is of paramount importance

The most important skill of a successful developer, is how well he knows how to learn!

In comparison to a brick builder or even a civil engineer, the programmer has a much higher probability  of having the need to learn new concepts and technologies and even change his approach altogether while he is implementing a solution.

The learning curve covers both the business domain and the new technologies that are becoming available as specific areas of computing are becoming more mature.

Knowing how to learn, is a meta-skill, having to do with the ability to quickly getting familiar with new concepts, maintaining the proper level of abstraction.  There are cases where deeper knowledge might be justified as there are other cases where a higher level understanding is sufficient and the developer has to master his judgement to intuitively decide to what extend he needs to learn something new to serve his purposes.

“Whys” matter as much as “hows” and “what”

The concept of a software factory has gained ground during the last years. As the industry matures, software development tends to be treated like an engineering task that can fit well in a chain of production, having responsibilities  broken down to a very granular level.

Viewing software development as pure engineering leads to the alienation of the programmer from his users!

There is no doubt that operating under a large scale platform we have so many sub domains that it is impossible for anyone to have a complete view of all the components and how they are working together.   This does not mean that a developer should view his work isolated from the whole ecosystem; he should at least be in contact with the immediate users of his code, regardless if they are end users interacting with the system through some graphical interface or some other developers building on top of his code.

A good software developer, should be able to foresee the future needs of his users trying to provide them with tools that will be easy to evolve and generic enough to fulfil needs that are completely untaught during the implementation phase.

An in depth understanding of the whys,  should allow the developer to decide the ultimate relation of cost and quality, leading to a deliverable optimizing the two attributes.


The software developer should realize that he is involved in a eternal learning cycle, where one of his most valuable skills is the ability to learn.  Equipped with this skill, he should never be reluctant to try and possibly adopt an new concept or technology, realizing that the only way to remain competitive is to always keep up with the evolution of the industry.

The commonly used analogy of software development to home building, is not very successful, as there appear to be significant differences between these activities.  Although home building can easily be separated to specific specialities the same is not necessary truth for software, where the same person needs to serve several different roles during the development phase.

The developer needs to be in close contact with his users, learning the business domain and how his code is been used, so he can have a tell in the reasoning of design directions getting involved to questions about the why something needs to be done and not been limited to the what and how.

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