CodingIsMyCraft: A few words about the title of the blog

A few words about the title of the blog

The term ‘Software Engineer’ has widely been used in the last decades to
describe those who program computers. I am skeptic about this and personaly I
wouldn’t categorize programming strictly as engineering or science. If I were
to describe it, I would say it’s more of a craft. While it contains elements
from the realms of science, art and engineering, at its heart, programming is a
craft – hence, the title ‘Coding Is My Craft’.

To elaborate further, ‘Programming’, as a craft, involves skill, creativity,
and an intricate understanding of how parts interact with the whole. The
emphasis here is on the program written by the programmer, not solely on the
final objective accomplished by the machine. Treating it as a craft affords us
the perspective to appreciate this multiple-layered interplay.

Some times when I write code it feels like an artisan sculpting a masterpiece,
some other times it feels like solving a scientific puzzle but I have to admit
that most of the time it feels like a craftsman building a functional yet
elegant piece of work. The artistry lies in the construction, the science in
problem-solving, and the craftsmanship in uniting each element seamlessly. The
beauty and challenge of coding are precisely in this fusion – blending logic,
creativity, and technique to create software solutions that are effective,
efficient, and aesthetic.

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