
I’m John Pazarzis, a programmer focused on server-side and web development, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I’ve worked on a range of projects, from object-oriented programming to system analysis and machine learning solutions. I specialize in server-side development, database modeling, and lower-level library development.

I have created this blog back in 2013 and although i am not updating very often it still documents some of my ideas about software development and also serves as some kind of a time machine reminding to me some of my views during the years.

A few words about my experience as a Software Developer

In my work as a programmer, I have used C, C++, C#, Java, and Python. I was one of the early adopters of C++, using it extensively for many years to solve diverse problems such as automatic trading applications and real-time trading. I spent many years using C# while working for leading financial institutions, where I developed both user interfaces and network and data applications. I also did similar work using Java. However, in the past ten years, I have primarily used Python, which has become my go-to tool for a wide variety of programming tasks including web server programming, service-oriented applications, microservices, and various types of machine learning and AI applications.

Throughout my programming career, I’ve had the opportunity to develop software touching multiple industries and varying in scale. I have worked with enterprise companies such as top-tier banks and leading hedge funds, as well as renowned software companies like Google. Alongside these giants, I have also enjoyed contributing to the growth of several startups, some of which have flourished into successful unicorns which is where I am currently working on.